How a Lawyer Can Help With Insurance Claims


After an automobile collision, house fire, or another unexpected event, it can sometimes be difficult to collect a fair payout from your insurance company. An experienced accident attorney can often help by advocating for you and your cause. Below are some of the key reasons to hire an attorney after an accident and a resulting insurance claim.

3 Reasons to Hire an Accident Attorney to Help With an Insurance Claim

1. Negotiating a Better Settlement

An experienced attorney is a skilled negotiator. Negotiation requires more than sticking to an amount and refusing to budge. While it does take assertiveness, it also means listening to what the other party wants, building rapport, and problem-solving to reach a mutually-satisfactory result. 

2. Representing Your Interests

accident attorney in Carlsbad, NMMost insurance claims never reach a courtroom. However, if your case does, you’ll want a skilled attorney at your side. Before the case reaches court, though, you’ll likely attempt another type of settlement through a process like arbitration or mediation. These are formal or semi-formal negotiations in front of a neutral third party to reach a fair resolution. In such proceedings, an experienced lawyer can guide you and represent your interests.

3. Communicating With Other Parties

An accident claim can generate a lot of paperwork and phone calls. Responding to these requires time and effort. An accident attorney will smooth out lines of communication with your insurer, the other party’s insurer, the adjuster, the builders or collision shop, and any medical providers. The attorney will also collect, organize, and present evidence of what you are owed in a clear manner.


For help with insurance claims from an energetic, experienced accident attorney, contact Balderrama Law Firm in Carlsbad, NM. Frank Balderrama is a native of Eddy County and has been named multiple times on the Trial Lawyers’ Association’s “Top 40 under 40” list. His team specializes in wrongful death, nursing home abuse, and medical malpractice suits. Visit their website for more on their personal injury services or call (575) 234-1111 for a free case evaluation.