4 Ways to Drive Defensively


For those of us who drive every day, it can be easy to forget the responsibilities that come with being behind the wheel. Even if you’re a safe driver, taking precautions can help you avoid injury due to the negligence of others. Here are four tips for how you can drive more defensively for the safety of you and your family. 

How to Practice Defensive Driving

1. Keep Your Eyes on the Road

When you’re stuck in traffic or in the middle of a long drive, it can be tempting to look for distractions, such as your stereo or phone. But that split second is all it takes for an accident to occur. It’s not enough to keep control of your own vehicle: you have to be prepared in case another driver near you loses control of theirs.

2. Follow the Rules of the Road

negligenceThe rules of the road are designed to protect us by limiting opportunities for incidents. Disregarding traffic laws will make your driving negligent no matter how careful you might think you are. Even if you think the rules don’t make sense, remember they’re there to protect you. 

3. Drive Appropriately in Light of Your Surroundings 

Keep in mind that what normally would be “safe driving” under ideal circumstances might be dangerous under certain conditions. You should always leave extra room between your car and the vehicle ahead to enable you to react and stop suddenly for road hazards. If you can’t safely stop or maintain control of your vehicle at the posted speed limit due to the conditions around you, slow down and adjust your driving accordingly.

4. Don’t Rely on Others to Drive Safely

Don’t assume proper behavior by other drivers around you. For example, if you’re sitting at a four-way stop, a driver approaching the stop sign may not necessarily obey. Always remember that it only takes one bad driver for an accident to occur.


If you or a loved one has been hurt due to someone else’s negligence, hire an attorney who will fight for the compensation you deserve. For nearly a decade, the Balderrama Law Firm LLC in Carlsbad, NM, has been fighting for justice on behalf of personal injury plaintiffs. To learn more, visit their website or call (575)-234-1111.