3 Types of Nursing Home Abuse


When you entrust an assisted living facility with the well-being of your loved one, you have a right to expect that they’ll receive a certain level of care. Nursing home abuse can have serious consequences on the health and well-being of your loved ones, but victims are often unwilling to discuss their experiences. Review the most common types of abuse in the guide below.

What Are the Different Kinds of Nursing Home Abuse?

1. Physical Abuse

Physical injuries are easily identifiable signs of nursing home abuse. You might notice cuts, bruises, or markings. Unexplained injuries on typically hidden parts of the body, such as the upper arms, thighs, or back, can indicate your loved one is being abused. 

Frequent medical emergencies may also be a sign of abuse occurring in your family member’s nursing home. If you have concerns, speak to the facility manager and consult with your loved one’s doctor immediately. The health care professional can help determine the causes of any injuries.

2. Neglect

nursing home abuse

Overworked staff members may leave residents alone for extended periods or neglect basic services. Without the help they need, residents might develop bed sores or experience hygiene issues. 

Sudden weight loss may also be a sign that your parent or grandparent isn’t receiving proper nutrition or medical care. Check your loved one’s living space for signs of neglect. They should have fresh bedsheets, clean clothes, and a tidy environment. 

3. Emotional Abuse

Any actions that cause someone else fear or distress can be considered emotional abuse. Name-calling, threats, and isolation can make residents feel unsafe or uncomfortable. 

Your family members might be unwilling to discuss these situations, especially if their abuser is a nearby staff member. If your loved one’s personality suddenly changes, or they develop signs of depression, you may want to speak with an attorney. 


If you believe your loved ones are experiencing abuse, Balderrama Law Firm LLC has the resources and expertise to protect their rights. Their legal team has extensive experience investigating nursing home abuse claims and holding the responsible parties liable. Visit their website to learn more about their services and expertise, or call (575) 234-1111 to schedule a consultation at their office in Carlsbad, NM.