Car Accidents

Carlsbad, New Mexico Car Accident Attorney

Frank Balderrama – Carlsbad New Mexico’s Prominent Car Accident Attorney

Car crashes can mean a slight inconvenience, a significant change in health or lifestyle or even loss of a life. No matter what happens as a result of an accident, lives are disrupted and expenses are incurred. Depending on its severity, an accident can mean one or more of the following: unexpected expenses, physical and emotional consequences, and legal involvement. Knowing your rights in such a situation is where you need to start. We’re here to help. We’ll help you understand what your options are and work toward resolving your predicament in the best possible manner. Our familiarity with these types of situations along with our expertise and guidance can be catalysts that help you move confidently through unpleasant and even tragic details that threaten to consume your life after such an incident.

Plan Of Action

It’s heartbreaking when someone is killed in a vehicle-related accident, and it’s also very difficult when someone is injured. Whether the accident you’ve experienced has to do with a collision with a car, truck, bus, van, or bicycle (or if it’s a pedestrian accident), some things—perhaps many things—have changed. These can’t be undone. What can be done, however, is to begin planning for a different future by making an informed decision based on good legal advice. When a serious accident happens, the Balderrama Law Firm is ready to help guide you toward receiving compensation to offset your financial consequences.

Dealing With Insurance Companies

Dealing with insurance companies is rarely easy. If you’re emotionally affected by an accident, this task can seem insurmountable. A claim related to an auto accident, whether as a result of personal injury or wrongful death, involves navigating through the paperwork and procedures that insurance companies require. These can be very detailed and cumbersome. When more than one party is involved or at fault in the accident, you may have to contact several insurance companies, which can be an added challenge.

Insurance companies differ in the way they conduct their business. Unfortunately, deceptive practices, such as delays or false claim denials, fail to adequately compensate an injury victim or grieving family. The first offer is usually much lower than it should be. If you’ve been in a car accident, you’re dealing with all the financial aspects of an accident, in addition to physical and emotional aspects. Because of this, you might tend toward accepting the first settlement offer without realizing that it should be much higher.

With insurance fraud on the rise, you should know that insurance companies investigate victims of accidents, and they prepare a strong legal defense to prevent them from getting reimbursed for the amounts they are entitled to receive. You can see, then, why it’s important that you be prepared with your own legal representative so that you understand proper procedures and have the help of a qualified injury lawyer on your side.

Perhaps your car accident leaves you too severely injured to return to work. Extra medical and auto bills quickly add up and can be difficult—or impossible—to manage. Without the help of a professional in this field, you may be left with an adjuster assigned by an insurance company who is assessing the damages and who might not conduct his or her task fairly.

At the Balderrama Law Firm, we work tirelessly to help you get your life back on track. Here, you will always be treated with the utmost respect, compassion and consideration. And there are no fees—unless we win your case.